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Futurama Wanna Go Around Again Text

1965 film by Russ Meyer

Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Impale!
Faster pussycat kill kill poster (1).jpg

Original release poster

Directed by Russ Meyer
Written by
  • Russ Meyer
  • Jack Moran
Produced past
  • Russ Meyer
  • Eve Meyer
  • Tura Satana
  • Haji
  • Lori Williams
  • Susan Bernard
Narrated by John Furlong
Cinematography Walter Schenk
Edited by Russ Meyer
Music by
  • Paul Sawtell
  • Bert Shefter


EVE Productions

Distributed by RM Films International

Release date

  • Baronial vi, 1965 (1965-08-06)

Running fourth dimension

83 minutes[1]
Country United States
Language English language
Budget $45,000[2]
Box function $36,122 (1995 US re-release only)[iii]

Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! is a 1965 American exploitation film directed by Russ Meyer and co-written by Meyer and Jack Moran. It follows three go-go dancers who embark on a spree of kidnapping and murder in the California desert.

The film is known for its violence, provocative gender roles, and eminently quotable "dialogue to shame Raymond Chandler".[four] It is too remembered for the functioning of star Tura Satana, whose character Richard Corliss called "the most honest, mayhap the 1 honest, portrayal in the Meyer catechism".[5] Faster, Pussycat! was a commercial and critical failure upon its initial release, but it has since become widely regarded as an important and influential film.[6] [7] [viii]

Plot [edit]

Iii wild, uninhibited go-get dancers — Billie, Rosie, and Varla — dance at a club before racing their sports cars across the California desert. They play a high-speed game of craven on the common salt flats and encounter a immature couple, Tommy and Linda, out to run a fourth dimension trial. Afterward breaking Tommy's neck in a fight, Varla kidnaps and drugs Linda.

In a small desert town, they finish at a gas station where they see a wheelchair-bound old man and his muscular, dim-witted son. The gas station bellboy tells the women that the old man was crippled in a railway blow, "going nuts" as a result, and that he received a large settlement of money that is hidden somewhere around his decrepit house in the desert. Intrigued, Varla hatches a scheme to rob the one-time man, and the three women follow him back to the ranch, with their captive in tow.

At the ranch they encounter the one-time human, his younger son (who they larn is called "The Vegetable" due to his feeblemindedness) and his elder son, Kirk. The group all have lunch together, and Billie taunts Rosie when Varla leaves with Kirk, hoping to seduce him into revealing the location of the money. Linda afterwards escapes the drunken Billie and runs abroad into the desert. The old human and the younger son pursue in their truck. The younger son catches Linda and seems about to assault her, but he collapses in tears as Varla and Kirk arrive. Kirk finally acknowledges his father's lecherous nature and the former man'south hold over his younger brother, and he vows to have his younger brother institutionalized. He tries to take the hysterical Linda into town in the truck, merely the old man says that he has thrown away the keys, and Kirk and Linda set out across the desert on foot.

Varla drives back to the firm and tells Billie and Rosie that they should kill the men and the girl to comprehend up Linda's kidnapping and the murder of her swain. Billie refuses, but as she walks abroad, Varla throws a knife into her dorsum just as the old man and his younger son arrive. Rosie and Varla hit the erstwhile man with their car, killing him and knocking over his wheelchair to reveal the coin hidden inside. Rosie is stabbed and killed past the younger son while trying to retrieve the pocketknife from Billie'southward body. Varla tries to ram him into a wall with her automobile, injuring him. She drives off in the truck and overtakes Kirk and Linda, chasing them into a gully. Varla and Kirk fight paw-to-manus. She gets the amend of him until Linda hits her with the truck, and she dies. Kirk and Linda bulldoze off together in the truck.

Cast [edit]

  • Tura Satana as Varla
  • Haji as Rosie
  • Lori Williams every bit Billie
  • Susan Bernard equally Linda
  • Stuart Lancaster as the One-time Man
  • Paul Trinka as Kirk
  • Dennis Busch as the Vegetable
  • Ray Barlow as Tommy
  • Mickey Foxx every bit the Gas Station Attendant
  • John Furlong as the Narrator

Production [edit]

Development [edit]

The pic was a follow up to an before Meyer movie. "'We had just done a film called Motorpsycho, which was about three bad boys, and information technology had gone through the roof. So I said, 'Well, let's practice one with three bad girls'."[9]

The screenplay is credited to Jack Moran from an original story by Russ Meyer. The first draft was titled The Leather Girls and was written over a brief four-twenty-four hours period past Moran, who also collaborated with Meyer on Common Police force Cabin and Good Forenoon and... Good day! [10] The screenplay went through a 2nd working title—The Mankillers—and had already begun production when the sound editor, Richard S. Brummer, came upwardly with the now-immortal concluding title.[4] Although neither Moran nor Meyer overtly cited any prior works as inspiration, the plot has been called a "loose remake of The Drastic Hours, or mayhap The Virgin Spring" by i prominent pic critic[v] and a "popular-art setting of Aeschylus'due south Eumenides" by one classical scholar.[11]

Casting [edit]

Haji had worked with Meyer on Motorpsycho. She recommended Tura Satana to him.[12]

Lori Williams later said "Russ didn't desire to hire me because he didn't recollect I had a big enough bust! I said I could use pushups in my bra, which I did. He didn't know whether information technology would piece of work, but so in rehearsals he finally said okay. I kind of did my office similar a drawing, similar the remainder of the film, bigger than life."[thirteen]

Filming [edit]

Faster, Pussycat! had a modest upkeep of about $45,000 and was shot in black and white in order to relieve coin.[14] [15]

The film began shooting at the Pussycat Lodge, a strip lodge in Van Nuys, before moving on to the California desert later that night. The picture'southward early racing scene was shot on the dry salt flats of Cuddeback Lake, the gas station scene was filmed in the town of Randsburg,[16] and the scenes at the Old Man's house at Ollie Peche'south Musical Wells Ranch outside the boondocks of Mojave.[17] During principal photography, the cast and crew stayed at the Adobe Cabin in Johannesburg.[18]

Meyer, who got his start making movies while serving in the US Army'due south 166th Signal Photographic Visitor during World War Ii, had a reputation for running strictly regimented film shoots with a small crew composed largely of former Army buddies.[nineteen] Actor Charles Napier, who appeared in v of Meyer's films, said that "Working with Russ Meyer was like beingness in the first moving ridge landing in Normandy during Earth War II."[twenty] Meyer considered the Faster, Pussycat! shoot no different, saying "It was the usual affair with me. It's like beingness in the armed services. Everybody has to get up and do their jobs to get things together, and that'due south it."[21] Meyer'south directorial manner and the rules he imposed upon cast and crew caused clashes with his equally strong-willed star, Tura Satana.[15] [22]

There was too friction between Susan Bernard and her managing director and co-stars, much of which they attributed to the presence of her female parent on the set (necessitated by Bernard's existence a sixteen-yr-erstwhile pocket-size at the fourth dimension). Bernard has said in interviews that she was truly scared of Satana, and some accept idea that this contributed to her performance every bit a frightened kidnapping victim.[23]

According to Satana,

Everybody [on set] did everything from moving props to mark scenery and mark spots where nosotros had to be in the next take. I had to phase the fight scenes because nobody else knew how to do them, and so literally when I did the fight scenes, I really had to pick upwardly each and every one of those guys and carry them through in order for them to look realistic. Basically I had to lay one guy on the flooring considering he was afraid he was going to become hurt. A lot of it actually had to exist done in reverse, so try to imagine doing a fight scene that manner.[13]

Music [edit]

The flick's title song, "Faster Pussycat!", was performed by California band, the Bostweeds. The lyrics were written by Rick Jarrard and the music was written and sung by Lynn Ready[ citation needed ], who formed the Bostweeds and sang leads. The track was never released commercially, only information technology did appear in February 1966 every bit a promotional-only 45 single without a B-side.[24]

Reception and influence [edit]

Box office [edit]

Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! premiered in Los Angeles on August six, 1965.[25] Atypically for a Meyer film, information technology was a box office failure upon its initial release.[half-dozen] [7]

"When it first came out, it was non successful", said Meyer. "At the fourth dimension, people didn't understand that women could have a relationship with other women."[nine]

Critical [edit]

It was generally dismissed as an exploitative "skin pic" past the few critics who took any note of information technology at all.[8] John 50. Wasserman of the San Francisco Chronicle, for example, reviewed a double neb of Faster, Pussycat! and Mudhoney in April 1966, saying that "Pussycat has the worst script always written, and Mudhoney is the worst movie ever made."[26] [27]

Cult status [edit]

In the years since, the pic has been regarded more favorably, gaining in both commercial and critical stature.[8] As of August 2022 information technology holds a "fresh" rating on film review aggregator site Rotten Tomatoes, with 73% (22 of 30) critic reviews positive.[28] In his review of the film'southward 1995 re-release, Pulitzer Prize-winning critic Roger Ebert gave the film three out of four stars.[8] Noted feminist motion picture critic B. Ruby Rich said that when she kickoff saw Faster, Pussycat! in the 1970s she "was absolutely outraged that [she had] been forced to watch this misogynist pic that objectified women and that was actually just brusque of soft-core porn."[29] Upon viewing it again in the early on 1990s, however, she "merely loved it" and wrote a piece in The Village Phonation reappraising the picture and discussing her change in opinion.[29]

Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! is currently number 674 on the tenth edition of the often-referenced "one,000 Greatest Films" listing[30] and 377th on the Sight & Sound "Greatest Films Poll".[31] It is often mentioned on lists of the best B movies and cult movies of all time.[32] [33] [34] [35] [36]

The film has also been influential on other filmmakers. Author-managing director John Waters stated in his book Daze Value that "Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! is, across a doubt, the best motion-picture show ever fabricated. Information technology is possibly better than any picture that volition be fabricated in the future."[37] He after said on its re-release that "it ages similar fine wine."[6] Music video director Keir McFarlane best-selling that a scene in the video for the Janet Jackson vocal "Y'all Want This" was a direct homage to Faster, Pussycat!, showing the Porsche-driving vocalizer and her female person companions driving circles around ii men in the desert.[6] Filmmaker Quentin Tarantino referenced the movie and thanked Meyer in the credits of his film Expiry Proof,[38] and it was reported in Variety in 2008 that Tarantino was interested in remaking Faster, Pussycat! [39] [xl]

Television adaptation [edit]

In May 2021, it was reported that a television series accommodation of flick is in development from bigbaldhead Productions, the production company run past Norman Reedus, and AMC Studios.[41]

In popular civilisation [edit]

Stuart Lancaster (in wheelchair) every bit the Sometime Man

  • American glam metallic band Faster Pussycat took their name from the film.[42]
  • American punk rock band Frightwig named their 2nd album "Faster, Frightwig, Kill! Kill!
  • Audio samples from the moving-picture show are featured in four songs by metallic ring White Zombie on their 3rd anthology, La Sexorcisto: Devil Music, Vol. 1. The dialogue "You're all shook up, aren't you, infant?" and "I never attempt annihilation, I just practise it. Wanna try me?" are used in the vocal "Thunder Kiss '65". "You're all shook upwards, aren't you, baby?" is also used in the vocal "Catholic Monsters, Inc." and the line "At present permit's move, but let'due south take the back door" in the song "Welcome to Planet Motherfucker/Psychoholic Slag". Another line, "I work on this baby the same way, trying to get maximum operation", is used in "Blackness Sunshine".[43] [44]
  • The title of Daniel Clowes'southward graphic novel Like a Velvet Glove Cast in Fe is taken from a line in the film describing Varla.[45]
  • The film's title vocal, "Faster Pussycat!", has been covered several times, nigh notably past American punk band The Cramps on their 1983 live mini-album Smell of Female.[24]
  • In Quentin Tarantino'southward 2007 picture show Death Proof, the character Shanna is wearing a T-shirt featuring Tura Satana'south grapheme Varla with the words "BADASS CINEMA" underneath information technology. Meyer is besides i of the directors Tarantino thanks in the end credits.[38]
  • A affiche of the moving picture is referenced in Amy Vincent's 2008 teen novel (nether the pen name Claudia Grey) Evernight (at folio 134) on the dorm room door of one of the supporting characters.
  • The three main antagonist characters in John Lee'due south 2022 movie Pee-wee's Big Holiday were inspired by the motion-picture show.[46]
  • The film's over-the-top title has become iconic and is frequently referenced or played upon in other pop culture:
    • The 2008 vocal "Funplex" by The B-52'due south features the lyrics "Faster pussycat, thrill thrill", an allusion to the film's title.[ citation needed ]
    • In the Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode "Passion", Xander Harris encourages Buffy and the others to get later the vampire Angelus, maxim "If Giles wants to get after the, uh, fiend that murdered his girlfriend, I say, 'Faster, pussycat, kill, kill'."[44] [47]
    • An Itchy & Scratchy short entitled "Foster Pussycat! Kill! Kill!" is shown in the Simpsons episode "Habitation Sweet Homediddly-Dum-Doodily".[48]
    • The title of the hit 2006 single "Faster Kill Pussycat" past Paul Oakenfold featuring Brittany Tater is a play on the title of the film.[44]
    • The film is referenced past protagonist Max Caulfield in the 2022 game Life Is Strange.[ commendation needed ]
    • The music video for the Janet Jackson song "You lot Want This" from her self-titled 1993 album JANET (aka janet.) pays homage to the flick even downwardly to the video filmed in blackness and white.[ citation needed ]
    • The Boston ring Human Sexual Response used the championship as the terminal line in their song, "Blow Up," from the album In a Roman Mood.[ citation needed ]
    • In the game The Business firm of the Expressionless: Overkill for the Nintendo Wii, there's a graphic symbol called Varla Guns, probably inspired in this movie.[ citation needed ]
    • In the game Grand Theft Motorcar: Chinatown Wars, there is a mission titled "Faster Pusher Homo! Sell! Sell!" wherein the protagonist is tasked with peddling cocaine for motorcycle guild "The Angels of Death".[ citation needed ]
    • The 6th episode of the CW'due south 2022 serial Riverdale, "Faster Pussycats Kill Impale", is titled after the movie, the plural variation in reference to the serial' characters and ring, Josie and the Pussycats.[49]
    • The fifth episode of the Netflix animated series Disenchantment, "Faster, Princess! Impale! Kill!", is titled later the moving picture.
    • In the Futurama episode The Thief of Baghead, Zoidberg exclaims "Faster, professor! Kill! Kill!", a reference to the championship.
  • Functioning: Pussycat, a Japanese remake of the film directed by Ryûichi Honda, was released in 2005.[50]
  • The film Bitch Slap was inspired by the films of Russ Meyer, especially Faster, Pussycat! Impale! Kill! Much similar this film, it follows three female person characters who travel to a desert location to find a treasure. The film's opening and closing credits even have clips from Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Impale! in a montage of clips from other B movies.[ citation needed ]
  • Halloween Pussy Trap Impale! Impale! (2017) was named equally a homage to Faster, Pussycat! Impale! Kill! [51]

Faster, Pussycat! Fuck! Fuck! (Ten-rated parody) [edit]

In 2005, Francesca Isabel "Kitten" Natividad, one of Russ Meyer'south long-standing professional partners, who had non appeared in the original flick, was a featured actress in the Ten-rated moving picture Faster, Pussycat! Fuck! Fuck! This film parodied the original picture Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! in plotline and setting, but it featured explicit sexual conduct, in some of which Natividad (by so a hardcore porn star) participated.

Run across also [edit]

  • List of American films of 1965

References [edit]

  1. ^ "FASTER PUSSYCAT, Kill, KILL (X)". British Board of Film Classification. July 31, 1980. Retrieved January 27, 2016.
  2. ^ Summit Ten Low Upkeep Films Under $500,000. Daily Motion-picture show Dose. Retrieved April 1, 2013
  3. ^ Box Office Information for Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! The Numbers. Retrieved April 1, 2013
  4. ^ a b DeFino, Dean (2014). Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!. London: Wallflower Press. p. 16. ISBN9780231167390.
  5. ^ a b Corliss, Richard (August 2, 2002). "Thank you for the Mammaries". Time . Retrieved May 5, 2015.
  6. ^ a b c d Willman, Chris (December 11, 1994). "Return of the Ultrapussycats". Los Angeles Times . Retrieved April 19, 2015.
  7. ^ a b DeFino, Dean (2014). Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!. London: Wallflower Press. pp. 25–27. ISBN9780231167390.
  8. ^ a b c d Ebert, Roger. "Faster Pussycat! Impale! Kill!". . Retrieved April 19, 2015.
  9. ^ a b "Trashmeister persists in stirring tempest in a D-cup", Rob Salem, Toronto Star 8 Dec 1995: E.three.
  10. ^ McDonough, Jimmy (2005). Large Bosoms and Square Jaws: The Biography of Russ Meyer, King of the Sexual practice Movie (1st ed.). New York: Crown. pp. 162–163. ISBN1-4000-5044-8.
  11. ^ Solomon, Jon (2001). The Ancient Earth in the Cinema (Rev. and expanded ed.). New Haven [u.a.]: Yale Univ. Press. p. 17. ISBN0-300-08337-8.
  12. ^ "Russ Meyer – PFS Interview | Psychotronic Motion-picture show Society".
  13. ^ a b Thompson, Nathaniel. "MEMORIES FROM RUSS MEYER & Cast AT THE EGYPTIAN THEATER, LOS ANGELES, 1999". Mondo Digital.
  14. ^ DeFino, Dean (2014). Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Impale!. London: Wallflower Printing. p. fifteen. ISBN9780231167390.
  15. ^ a b Morris, Gary (April 1996). "Russ Meyer: An Interview". Vivid Lights Film Periodical . Retrieved May 8, 2015.
  16. ^ "Adult Film Locations 10: Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! (1965) – The Rialto Study". The Rialto Report. Nov 19, 2017. Retrieved November 19, 2017.
  17. ^ McDonough, Jimmy (2005). Big Bosoms and Foursquare Jaws: The Biography of Russ Meyer, Rex of the Sex Flick (1st ed.). New York: Crown. pp. 168–169. ISBNone-4000-5044-viii.
  18. ^ McDonough, Jimmy (2005). Big Bosoms and Square Jaws: The Biography of Russ Meyer, Rex of the Sex Film (1st ed.). New York: Crown. p. 172. ISBN1-4000-5044-8.
  19. ^ DeFino, Dean (2014). Faster, Pussycat! Impale! Kill!. London: Wallflower Press. pp. nineteen–20. ISBN9780231167390.
  20. ^ McDonough, Jimmy (2005). Big Bosoms and Foursquare Jaws: The Biography of Russ Meyer, King of the Sex Moving-picture show (1st ed.). New York: Crown. p. 54. ISBN1-4000-5044-8.
  21. ^ Rabin, Nathan. "Russ Meyer (Interview)". A.V. Club . Retrieved May viii, 2015.
  22. ^ DeFino, Dean (2014). Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!. London: Wallflower Press. p. 20. ISBN9780231167390.
  23. ^ McDonough, Jimmy (2005). Big Bosoms and Square Jaws: The Biography of Russ Meyer, King of the Sex activity Film (1st ed.). New York: Crown. pp. 170–172. ISBN1-4000-5044-8.
  24. ^ a b "Ane Side Wonders #eleven: The Bostweeds – Faster Pussycat! (1966)". Cosmic Mind at Play . Retrieved April 24, 2015.
  25. ^ "Faster, Pussycat! Impale! Impale!". Turner Classic Movies Database . Retrieved April 24, 2015.
  26. ^ Wasserman, John (April nineteen, 1966). "Two Films with But One Thought". San Francisco Relate. No. 41.
  27. ^ Oliver, Myrna (September 22, 2004). "Russ Meyer, 82; Iconic Sexploitation Filmmaker". Los Angeles Times . Retrieved April xix, 2015.
  28. ^ "Faster, Pussycat! Impale! Impale!". Rotten Tomatoes . Retrieved May 13, 2022.
  29. ^ a b Myers, Emma. "Profiles in Criticism: B. Ruddy Rich". Criticwire. Archived from the original on March 9, 2014. Retrieved April nineteen, 2015.
  30. ^ Georgaris, Bill. "i,000 Greatest Films". They Shoot Pictures, Don't They? . Retrieved May six, 2015.
  31. ^ "Sight & Sound Greatest Films Poll". British Motion picture Establish. Archived from the original on August 20, 2012. Retrieved May vi, 2015.
  32. ^ "The Pinnacle 50 Cult Movies of All Time". Entertainment Weekly. No. 711. Time. Inc. May 23, 2003.
  33. ^ Vorel, Jim. "The 100 Best "B Movies" of All Time". Paste . Retrieved April nineteen, 2015.
  34. ^ Kuersten, Erich. "BLAD Tiptop Tens past Genre". Brilliant Lights Film Journal . Retrieved May fifteen, 2015. [ permanent expressionless link ]
  35. ^ Crouse, Richard (2008). Son of The 100 Best Movies Yous've Never Seen. Toronto: ECW Press. ISBN9781554903306.
  36. ^ Grey, Carmen. "Summit ten exploitation films". Mazed . Retrieved April nineteen, 2015.
  37. ^ Waters, John (2005). Shock Value: A Tasteful Book Most Bad Taste. Philadelphia: Running Press. ISBN978-1560256984.
  38. ^ a b "The Ultimate Expiry Proof Pic References Guide". The Quentin Tarantino Archives . Retrieved May 7, 2015.
  39. ^ Smith, Liz (January 16, 2008). "Tarantino wants to remake 'Faster Pussycat'". Variety . Retrieved Apr 19, 2015.
  40. ^ "Tarantino's Lost Projects". Nosotros Are Movie Geeks . Retrieved April 20, 2015.
  41. ^ Patten, Dominic (May 24, 2021). "Norman Reedus & AMC Studios Put Pedal To The Metal With 'Faster Pussycat, Kill! Kill!' Boob tube Series In The Works". Deadline Hollywood.
  42. ^ "Faster Pussycat". Allmusic . Retrieved April xix, 2015.
  43. ^ "Sample Sources". Psychoholic World of White Zombie . Retrieved April 19, 2015.
  44. ^ a b c DeFino, Dean (2014). Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!. London: Wallflower Printing. p. 38. ISBN9780231167390.
  45. ^ Shiner, Lewis. "The Part of Compassion in Daniel Clowes' Similar a Velvet Glove Cast in Iron" Archived February ane, 2016, at the Wayback Machine, Sitcom (1995). Retrieved 24 April 2015.
  46. ^ "Pee-wee's Big Holiday Star Jessica Pohly Shares Valuable Communication from Paul Reubens". . Retrieved February 23, 2016.
  47. ^ "Passion: Trivia, Quotes, Notes and Allusions". Boob . Retrieved Apr 19, 2015.
  48. ^ DeFino, Dean (2014). Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!. London: Wallflower Press. p. 89. ISBN9780231167390.
  49. ^ "Riverdale Video - Chapter Thirteen: The Sweetness Hereafter | Lookout man Online Complimentary". Retrieved September 14, 2017.
  50. ^ McLennan, Jim (January 23, 2011). "Operation Pussycat". Girls With Guns . Retrieved June 22, 2020.
  51. ^ Murray, Noel (October 26, 2017). "Review: Bad flick nighttime candidate 'Halloween Pussy Trap Kill! Kill!' comes with a alarm". Los Angeles Times . Retrieved April 12, 2022.

Further reading [edit]

  • Heldman, Caroline; Frankel, Laura Lazarus; Holmes, Jennifer (April–June 2016). "'Hot, Blackness Leather, Whip': The (De)development of Female Protagonists in Activity Movie theater, 1960–2014". Sexualization, Media, and Guild. Sage. 2 (two). doi:10.1177/2374623815627789.

External links [edit]

  • Faster, Pussycat! Impale! Kill! at IMDb
  • Faster, Pussycat! Impale! Kill! at Rotten Tomatoes
  • Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! at the TCM Movie Database


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